Analytics Reports

Accurate multi-dimensional data report

Our dashboard provides you with accurate and detailed data, which will give you support at the time of making business decisions. Monitor the overall development of the business, export reports, and compare the data performance with that of previous periods to gain users' information during the entire process.
Diverse data display styles
Data visualization guides your daily operations to track your business results and analyze user behavior.
Personalized data for different roles
Each role you adopt inside our platform has its own dashboard, making data query more efficient and concise.
Detailed data
Our platform provides accurate and comprehensive data reports, including user activity, content performance, retention rate and more.
Multiple filter settings
Our wide variety of filters allow you to set up viewing time, viewing program name, terminal type, user payment status and more.

Empower your Business

Goose offers professional data reports and data monitoring for a complete experience. Our dashboard helps you visualize data reports to track your business performance, analyze trends and gain insights for better decision making.

Benefits from our Dashboard

✔ Comprehensive view of your business
✔ Timesaving
✔ Business improvement
✔ Less pressure
✔ Productivity growth
✔ Profit increase